Our Mission is “To stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, to aid in the protection of the native trees, plants and birds, to encourage civic beauty, and to improve and protect the quality of the environment through programs and action in the fields of conservation and education.”
The Portland Garden Club Community Outreach Grants
Thank you for considering submitting a grant proposal to The Portland Garden Club. We are proud of our history of contributing grants to worthy projects in our community and look forward to reviewing your grant proposal.
The 350 members of The Portland Garden Club care greatly about our community. We take great pride in sharing our love of plants and gardening with others. We are passionate about cultivating civic beauty and protecting our planet. Making grants to projects and programs in our community is a way to extend these efforts.
Click HERE to view past grants.
We know there are many worthy projects that align with our mission. If your organization has such a project, please apply for a grant using the link below. We love to support groups that are working to connect people to nature, through education and by enhancing their appreciation of our native flora and fauna, as well as creating natural beauty in our urban landscape.
Criteria Used in Evaluation
- Supports the mission statement of The Portland Garden Club.
Grant is project based. We do not fund endowments, scholarships, feasibility studies, maintenance, salaries or stipends.
Project is “shovel” ready with a clearly defined objective and an estimated completion date.
Includes a detailed financial plan for using grant money.
Identifies potential and actual additional funding sources for the project.
Explains need for the project and potential impact on the community.
Meets clear deliverables within our budget year (June 30, 2025-July 1, 2026).
Represents a nonprofit organization within our greater Northwest community.
Questions about the application process and general information can be sent to community@theportlandgardenclub.org
The Portland Garden Club 2025 Community Grant Application online form will be available on November 4, 2024
Applications will be accepted through February 22, 2025